Research & Analysis

Virtual Routes conducts research and analysis to advance public understanding of the impact of digital and emerging technologies on global affairs. All our research and analysis is independent, meeting high academic standards of objectivity and rigour.

Reigniting Multilateralism through Technology (REMIT)

Virtual Routes leads REMIT’s research stream on the economic and societal factors that shape technology governance. Coordinated by Maastricht University, the REMIT project brings together leading European researchers from nine partners from Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania and the United Kingdom. REMIT aims to re-mobilize a transnational collective spirit that addresses global problems through technology. It seeks to develop a better understanding of the status quo, innovative methodologies, and policy recommendations that support effective policies to revitalize global democratic structures.

More information coming soon!

Countering the proliferation and misuse of commercial spyware

The proliferation and misuse of commercial spyware has been widely reported to violate human rights, diminish civil liberties and compromise digital security. Virtual Routes research and analysis helps countries to develop policy and regulation in line with global good practices, commit to establishing robust guardrails and prevent the export of commercial spyware to high-risk end-users.

Principles for state approaches to commercial cyber intrusion capabilities

In October 2024, Virtual Routes Co-Director James Shires authored a research paper with the UK think tank Chatham House, advocating new principles for states worldwide to better govern markets for commercial spyware.

State Permissive Behaviours and Commercial Offensive-Cyber Proliferation

The companion paper to the Chatham House report was co-authored by James Shires and a team of researchers at RUSI, examining permissive behaviours by states that encourage the proliferation and misuse of commercial spyware.

Countering ransomware

Ransomware has become one of the most damaging and widespread forms of cybercrime, causing significant harm to public services, private businesses, and national economies. Its rise has fundamentally reshaped the cybersecurity landscape, prompting governments to prioritize protection against profit-driven cybercriminals. This project evaluates the effectiveness of government strategies in countering ransomware.

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Research & Analysis

