China’s Expanding Cyber Playbook: Espionage, Fear, and Influence in East Asia

April 2, 2025

4:00 pm




The third session of the Virtual Routes Colloquium series spring/summer session will host Valentin Weber (German Council on Foreign Relations), and Zoë van Doren (Friedrich Naumann Stiftung), who will present Chung-Kuan Chen’s (CyCraft; Soochow University, Taiwan) and Valentin Weber’s research on “China’s Expanding Cyber Playbook: Espionage, Fear, and Influence in East Asia“.


Analyzing the evolving character of China as a cyber actor, this policy paper focuses on operations targeting Japan and Taiwan. It reveals Beijing’s growing sophistication in obscuring cyber activities and their strategies to counter attribution. The findings show how operations against Taiwan aim to undermine economic stability and induce fear, while those targeting Japan gather strategic information for potential future conflicts, including defense and political data.


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China’s Expanding Cyber Playbook: Espionage, Fear, and Influence in East Asia

