The actions took place in the early hours of 26 October in Ukraine and Switzerland. Most of these suspects are considered high-value targets because they are being investigated in multiple high-profile cases in different jurisdictions. The targeted suspects (NOT arrested!) all had different roles in these professional, highly organised criminal organisations. Some of these criminals were dealing with the penetration effort, using multiple mechanisms to compromise IT networks, including brute force attacks, SQL injections, stolen credentials and phishing emails with malicious attachments. Operation Fifth Element
Eurojust, Europol
Ransomware Groups
Dharma, LockerGoga, MegaCortex
Event Category
Direct disruption
Level of Cooperation
🇫🇷France, 🇩🇪Germany, 🇳🇱Netherlands, 🇳🇴Norway, 🇨🇭Switzerland, 🇺🇦Ukraine, 🇬🇧United Kingdom, 🇺🇸United States
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Ukrainian and Swiss authorities target 12 members of Dharma in internationally coordinated action