The Virtual Routes Colloquium provides cybersecurity researchers and practitioners with a platform to present and get feedback on research projects and papers.
We hold monthly hour-long workshop meetings where participants can present research to the community. To ensure high-quality feedback, for each presentation an expert discussant will be identified and assigned to each paper who will provide detailed comments, before opening up the discussion to all participants.

Our spring/summer (February-May 2025) session will focus on power and control in cyberspace.
The meetings will take a closer look at how states, private actors, and individuals can leverage and are affected by digital and emerging technologies. We explore how power is asserted in cyberspace by regimes such as China and Iran, tackle the changing roles and responsibilities of private companies for cyber security, and examine the impact of new modes of surveillance and control on the rights and freedoms of individuals.
Be sure to tune in!

Who can present their research at the Colloquia?
Both established and junior cybersecurity researchers and practitioners are welcome to present their research. We especially encourage submissions from junior scholars to support their growth in the field.
What can participants expect during these Colloquia?
Participants can present their research to the community. Each presented paper will have a designated expert discussant. This discussant will provide comprehensive comments on the paper. Following this, a broader discussion involving all workshop participants will be held.