We tackle the impact of digital and emerging technologies on global affairs

Research and Analysis

Virtual Routes conducts and promotes objective and thorough research and analysis on digital technologies and global affairs, carried out to the highest academic standards.

Binding Hook

Binding Hook offers a fresh and accessible take on the most pressing issues at the intersection of security and technology. It gathers and promotes diverse expert opinion, analysis, and critique from practitioners and researchers. The Binding Hook conversation centres on Europe, but also covers security and technology issues worldwide.


The Virtual Routes Colloquium provides cybersecurity researchers and practitioners with a platform to present and receive considered feedback on research projects and papers. In our monthly hour-long meetings, presentations are assigned an expert discussant before questions from the audience. The Colloquium is open to all, and participants are encouraged to contribute respectfully and constructively.

Other Research and Analysis

Virtual Routes contributes centrally to several cutting-edge research projects, from a Horizon Europe project on “Reigniting Multilateralism through Technology” (REMIT), to policy reports addressing the governance of spyware and other commercial cyber intrusion capabilities. Previous research reports focused on the role of cyber operations in the Ukraine war, among other topics.


Virtual Routes enables people worldwide to develop new ideas and skills relating to digital technologies.

Cybersecurity Seminars

We are teaming up with Google.org to offer more and better learning and job opportunities in cybersecurity to students at universities in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.


The Cyber Education Pathways Initiative is an unprecedented drive to build enduring cybersecurity capabilities worldwide, focusing particularly on countries and regions with limited current opportunities for such education.

Public engagement

Virtual Routes helps policymakers, industry, and civil society deliver positive change where it is needed most.


The Virtual Routes European Cybersecurity Fellowship is a year-long program for highly talented young European professionals, helping them develop and accelerate their careers in cybersecurity policy.


Virtual Routes offers advisory services on issues of security and technology. Our advisory services cover research, education and policy, and we work with a range of government, corporate, and nonprofit clients.

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