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Thank you! RSVP received for Bell, David E. und Leonard J. La Padula. “Sichere Computersysteme: Mathematische Grundlagen.” ESD-TR-73-278 Electronic Systems Division, Air Force Systems Command, Hanscom AFB, Bedford, MA 01731 1 (November 1973).

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Apply for: Bell, David E. und Leonard J. La Padula. “Sichere Computersysteme: Mathematische Grundlagen.” ESD-TR-73-278 Electronic Systems Division, Air Force Systems Command, Hanscom AFB, Bedford, MA 01731 1 (November 1973).

Bell, David E. und Leonard J. La Padula. “Sichere Computersysteme: Mathematische Grundlagen.” ESD-TR-73-278 Electronic Systems Division, Air Force Systems Command, Hanscom AFB, Bedford, MA 01731 1 (November 1973).

