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Tallinn Workshop Report

What key lessons can we draw from the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine about the role of cyber operations in military conflict? How do Russian cyber operations differ in wartime compared to peacetime activity? And what cyber activity can we expect in the months ahead?

On 30 May, the European Cyber Conflict Research Initiative (ECCRI) held a roundtable in Tallinn discussing these questions about the impact of cyber operations during the war in Ukraine. The event included cyber threat intelligence and incident response practitioners, corporate representatives, academics, and officials from key governments and international institutions. It was off-the-record and invite-only, to enable those attending to be as frank as possible. Nonetheless, we thought it useful – in consultation with all attendees – to make several lines of discussion public.

Workshop Report (Public Version)

From November 26, 2024, the European Cyber Conflict Research Initiative (ECCRI) and the European Cyber Conflict Research Incubator (ECCRI CIC) operate under one umbrella brand - Virtual Routes. Read more about Virtual Routes here.

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Tallinn Workshop Report

