China’s Expanding Cyber Playbook: Espionage, Fear, and Influence in East Asia

The third session of the Virtual Routes Colloquium series spring/summer session will host Valentin Weber (German Council on Foreign Relations), and Zoe van Doren (Friedrich Naumann Stiftung), who will present Valentin Weber’s and Chung-Kuan Chen’s (CyCraft; Soochow University, Taiwan) research on “China’s Expanding Cyber Playbook: Espionage, Fear, and Influence in East Asia”.
Hybrid conflicts, cybersecurity and enterprises

The second session of the Virtual Routes Colloquium series spring/summer session will host Pieter Wolters (Interdisciplinary Hub for Digitalization and Society), who will present his research on “Hybrid conflicts, cybersecurity and enterprises”.
Digital Embodiments of the Women’s Protest in Iran

The first session of the Virtual Routes Colloquium series spring/summer session will host Anwar Mhajne (Stonehill College), who will present her research on “Digital Embodiments of the Women’s Protest in Iran”. Azadeh Akbari (University of Twente) will act as discussant.
Digital transnational repression and the practice of dissident cyber-espionage

The fourth and last session of the Virtual Routes Colloquium series spring/summer session will host Siena Anstis (Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto), who will present her research on “Digital transnational repression and the practice of dissident cyber-espionage”.
Trust, interdependence, and power in cyber statecraft

What is the role of political economy in cyber statecraft? Nation-states develop, exercise and restrict the use of offensive and defensive capabilities in cyberspace to meet their strategic objectives.