Merle Maigre joins Virtual Routes as Fellowship Senior Advisor

Merle Maigre is the Programme Director of Cybersecurity at Estonia’s e-Governance Academy. Previously she was Executive Vice President for Government Relations at CybExer Technologies, an Estonian company that provides cyber range based trainings. 2017- 2018 Merle Maigre served as the Director of the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence (CCDCOE) in Tallinn and 2018-2022 as the International Advisory Board member of NATO CCDCOE. 2012-2017 she worked as Security Policy Adviser to Estonian Presidents Kersti Kaljulaid and Toomas Hendrik Ilves. 2010-2012 Merle served in the Policy Planning Unit of the Private Office of NATO Secretary General. She is currently also a chosen Member of the Advisory Group of European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and a non-resident fellow of Centre for European Policy Analysis (CEPA).

“I am excited to be on board and start working towards making the next fellowship cohort of Virtual Routes a success,” Merle said.

“At Virtual Routes, the fellowship is a cornerstone of our work to build a strong cybersecurity community in Europe. I’m excited to have Merle join me in leading this effort and engaging with the next cohort of fellows,” Max Smeets, Co-Director of Virtual Routes, added.

Merle Maigre is the Programme Director of Cybersecurity at Estonia’s e-Governance Academy. Previously she was Executive Vice President for Government Relations at CybExer Technologies, an Estonian company that provides cyber range based trainings. 2017- 2018 Merle Maigre served as the Director of the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence (CCDCOE) in Tallinn and 2018-2022 as the International Advisory Board member of NATO CCDCOE. 2012-2017 she worked as Security Policy Adviser to Estonian Presidents Kersti Kaljulaid and Toomas Hendrik Ilves. 2010-2012 Merle served in the Policy Planning Unit of the Private Office of NATO Secretary General. She is currently also a chosen Member of the Advisory Group of European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and a non-resident fellow of Centre for European Policy Analysis (CEPA).

“I am excited to be on board and start working towards making the next fellowship cohort of Virtual Routes a success,” Merle said.

“At Virtual Routes, the fellowship is a cornerstone of our work to build a strong cybersecurity community in Europe. I’m excited to have Merle join me in leading this effort and engaging with the next cohort of fellows,” Max Smeets, Co-Director of Virtual Routes, added.

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Merle Maigre joins Virtual Routes as Fellowship Senior Advisor

